Available through 29 December 2024

The Rank Advancement Bonus promotion allows you to earn additional bonuses while you grow your business. Earn Crystal Rank Advancement Bonuses by reaching the next rank level by the specified date from becoming an Isagenix Independent Associate. You can also earn Cycle Bonuses as you rank advance. This is a fantastic way to maximise your income-earning potential. Enjoy both recognition and reward for positive business growth.


Become a Paid-As Consultant (You’ll earn a AU/NZ$50 bonus to start)

Your Key Terms

An Associate’s lowest Paid-As rank on any given day in a commission week.

For example, if an Associate’s achieved rank is Director and he or she maintains that rank every day for a week except for Thursday, which makes him or her drop to a Consultant, the Associate’s active rank for the commission week would be Consultant.

The rank that an Associate qualifies for on a given day based on the Associate’s PV in the last 30 days as well as the BV and/or rank of his or her Personally Enrolled Team Members on the same given day.​


Earn on all Rank Advancement Bonuses and bring home over AU/NZ$10,000

The specific market values are calculated using the Foreign Exchange Multiplier. PIBs and Bonus amounts will be paid in USD and converted to local currency using the Foreign Exchange Multiplier to ensure the correct amount is received. This value is subject to change every quarter based on published exchange rates and will be valid for the following quarter.

Rank Advancement Bonuses are a promotion and are not part of the regular Isagenix Team Compensation Plan. The amounts depicted here reflect the maximum earnings available through the promotion and are not guaranteed. *You must have met these qualifications in the same commission week for the first and second time and be a Paid-As Consultant the week prior to earning the equivalent Cycles indicated.

The ability to earn income under the Isagenix Compensation Plan depends on many factors, including an individual Isagenix Independent Associate’s business, social, and sales skills; personal ambition and activity; availability of time and financial resources; and access to a large network of family, friends, and business contacts. Isagenix cannot and does not guarantee any particular level of earnings. Even Associates who dedicate a significant amount of time, effort, and personal funds may not achieve a meaningful level of success. For average earnings, refer to IsagenixEarnings.com.

This promotion is based on rank advancements earned from 2 Sept. 2020 to 25 June 2023. Promotions are subject to change by Isagenix at any time without prior notice. Isagenix reserves the right to adjust or deny recognition or other awards to prevent or correct any attempts to circumvent the rules or to manipulate the promotion and to ensure that the spirit of the promotion is achieved


  • The Consultant Bonus is paid one week in arrears.
  • The Personally Developed Consultant Bonus will be paid one week in arrears.
  • Crystal Manager, Crystal Director, and Crystal Executive Bonuses will be paid one week in arrears, and all bonuses based on Cycles are paid two weeks in arrears.

No, you cannot requalify for the promotion if you have already received a Rank Advancement Bonus. Only those Associates who reach a higher Crystal rank for the first time qualify to earn a bonus.

You are eligible to earn bonuses on ranks you are achieving for the first time and meet the qualifications. The only exceptions are the 5-cycle bonus, and the 4-Star (60-cycle) bonus. If you achieved five Cycles and Consultant prior to 11 January 2016, you cannot earn the 5-Cycle Bonus. In addition, if you were recognition rank 5-Star Golden Circle or above the day before the 4-Star bonus was added on 26 October 2020 you would not be eligible to earn that bonus.

Executive Matching Team Bonuses and Cycles earned from PIBs do count toward your achieved rank. Retail profits do count toward your achieved rank but do not count toward bonuses.

AUSTRALIAN EXAMPLE: Jane Doe is a Paid-As Executive and Cycles 38 times in one commission week. That same commission week, Jane earns one Cycle from her Executive match and AU$105 in PIBs from two new Members in one commission week; one new Member with a Weight Loss Premium Pack ($80 PIB) plus one new Member with a 30-Day Weight Loss System ($25 PIB).

Here is a breakdown of Jane’s Cycles for that commission week:

38 Cycles
+1 Cycle — from Executive Matching Team Bonus
+1 Cycle — from PIB: $105 PIB/$54 (approximate cycle value)
40 Cycles

In this scenario, Jane would achieve a 3-Star Bonus (40 Cycles + Paid-As Executive) and receive the first payment ($1,500) of her $3,000 3-Star Bonus. Please note that your achieved rank will not be verified until the week it is paid out.

If your recognition rank was Associate through 4-Star Golden Circle the day before this bonus was added on 26 October 2020 you are eligible to earn the bonus. If your recognition rank was 5-Star Golden Circle or above the day before this bonus was added on 26 October 2020 you would not be eligible to earn the bonus.